Monday, March 23, 2009

What Makes us Creative?

creativity man What Makes us Creative?Photo: diluvi

Are you creative?

More creativity means more fun, more buzz, more laughter in life.

Scientists see creative innovation as the communication between regions of the brain that are not usually connected. A crucial ingredient of creativity is the ability to develop alternative solutions, known as ‘divergent thinking’. (From an interesting article on creativity by a neuropsychiatrist).

How does this work? Let’s look at how the idea of writing a post about creativity occurred to me: I was watching an elegant tango dancer glide across the floor. She is an artist and had just told me that she enjoys reading my blog. Suddenly the idea of writing a post on creativity flashed into my brain. You can see in this example how my brain connected three different dots: ‘artist’, ‘writing a post’, and ‘creativity’.

Creativity is a natural state of mind.

It is not something that some people have and others lack. Children call being creative ‘playing’. It’s hard to find a child that can’t do that! I hang out a lot with two great friends, Anna and Mary, who are 11 and 12 years old. Every walk we do together ends up as a new episode of our ongoing fantasy game in which we are undercover ninjas on a secret mission. (My code name is ‘Sparkle’!)

Creativity then is not something far away and difficult to achieve. It is something natural that we need to re-discover within.

To be creative, judgment needs to be suspended.

Most people stifle their creativity because they don’t know how to shut up their internal editor. You don’t know who that person is? Let me introduce you to him or her: Take a piece of paper and write the first paragraph of what might become a novel, or start sketching out a painting. Now listen to the voice in your head. You’ll hear something like this: “That’s stupid!” or “You really suck!” or “You’re wasting your time!”

That voice is familiar, right?

Creating and editing are processes that happen in different parts of the brain. Creativity springs forth from the right side of the brain, whereas editing or analysing happens in the left side.

Take a look at this list of right- versus left-side brain functions:

uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies

uses feeling
“big picture” oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can “get it” (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking

This list is from an article in the Herald Sun. There is a fascinating test on the site where you can find out whether you are thinking with the left of right side of the brain. Check it out here. Try looking at the image with different kind of thoughts. Can you make it change direction?

Now take another look at the list of right-brain and left-brain functions. Do you spend more time in the left or the right part of your brain?

From all of this you can understand how creating and editing at the same time can’t work. Because the moment you move from the right to the left side of the brain your creativity dries up.

Here are some interesting tips on creativity by cartoonist gapingvoid:

  • Ignore everybody. The more original your idea is, the less good advice people will be able to give you.
  • Put the hours in. Doing anything worthwhile takes forever.
  • You are responsible for your own experience. Nobody can tell if what you’re doing is good, meaningful or worthwhile.
  • Everyone is born creative.
  • Everyone has their own private Mount Everest they were put on this earth to climb.
  • Never compare your inside with somebody else’s outside.
  • Passion can’t be bought.
  • Sing in your own voice.
  • The best way to get approval is not to need it.

Making My Connections

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Finding Metaphors

The sound of music
I have confidence
Late for dinner
Messenger boy
The rowboat
The party
So long farewell
Climb every mountain
Something good
Wedding bells
The joyous Junker
Perfect pitch
A rolling panic
Truly scrumptious
This lovely lonely man
Red carpet treatment
Roses of success
Strange places
Cellar secrets
The hiding places
Doll on a music box
Ridiculous suggestion
Skeleton Crew

Mirror, Mirror
From a concept to a creation
Going global
All here, all yours, all new
Snap judgments
Today’s mail
Leading off
A gift you can open again and again
Live your dreams
You’ll never know
Our comfort
Revamp your basket
For the record
We’re still rebuilding
Quick Study
Style around town
Yes you can
Road warrior
A good neighbor
For the next generation

Late for dinner= Stop and smell the roses
Perfect pitch=everyone is different
Doll on a music box=life is a dance
The hiding places=always seek the unknown
Skeleton Crew=It only takes one
For the record= A clean slate
A rolling panic=Fear of success
You’ll never know=It’s all about the knowing
Wedding bells=For the record
Climb every mountain=Mirror, Mirror
The joyous Junker=Unexpected art
Cellar secrets=Cob webs and spiders
Our comfort=roll with the punches

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Magic Garden

While going through youtube I searched for a program that I watched when I was little. It was called The Magic Garden. This program was base purely on music and imagination. I never missed it. I remember run so fast up the stairs when I heard the opening song. It was on everyday around 1:30 pm. I was just learning how to speak English and it was one of the ones that helped me learn faster. All it was was to women and singing with a guitar and their puppet friends Sherlock the squirrel, Flap the duck, flowers that had jokes on their leafs, a chest that always had nursery ryhm costumes that they would use to act out a play, and many other surprises. They would also teach words in other languages. I know it sounds corny but as a 3-6 year old I loved it and it let me us my imagination by creative. This show was syndicated and could only be seen if you lived in the North like New York. At this time I was living in Long Island at Huntington Station. It had 12 year run and they are still at it doing private shows.


Explorations # 57 Thought Experiments

1. What if the world was my canvas what would I draw in it?

2. What do animals think of the world and the humans that live on it?

3. What or who guides us towards our future?

4. Do we all have a predestined path to follow?

5. What is my propose in this world, why am I here?

6. I do I offer to the world that really matters?

7. If I could travel back in time what would I change and what would I leave the same and why?


Exploration #32 A World of Magic

This dear holds the magic of your destiny. If you come to him with a truly pure heart it will guide you true calling. He will not tell you what it is but if you have lost your way he will guide you back in your path.If you are lucky he will even give you a small glimpse of your probable future if you flow its path.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Finding Connections

Art is our visual soul, and music our emotional soul.
One can’t live without the other.
Music lets you feel what’s inside, while art gives you the freedom to show it.
The colors and sounds all mixed into one.
Fusing together to make you whole.
Your emotions rule you and make you who you are.
They are the strength, hopes, fears, and dreams we hold dear.
Art expresses them for all the world to see.
May as we might we try to hide them, but the brush is stronger than our will.
It lies in wait for the right moment to appear.
For in time all will be revealed.

What drives you?
Is art only for arts sake?
What part does your culture play?
Is art the child that lies within?
What colors color your world?
What sounds fill your life?
What do your eyes search for?
What does your soul hunger for?
Where do you go to find peace?

One to the world
Faking it
In exile
Through a broken lens
Border zones
Struggle to lose control
Public enemy
