Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Exploration #21

My Favorite Street

I picked my room not a street. This was my favorite place of all it wasn't a street it was a place. I could close the door and no one could tell me what to do. It was my escape from the really world. Here I could be myself without the fear of being made fun of or made a fool of. I felt safe here no one could hurt me. To me school was my hell where I had to go and hide from view or smile and not let them see how much it hurt inside. In my room there was a friend ready to listen and one that always gave me comfort. That was and is Freddy, my last childhood teddy bear. He would always be on my bed waiting for me. When I had really bad days the first thing I did was go strait to my room, close the door, go to my bed and hug him so tight and let it out sometimes until I fell asleep. This was the only place I could do this and he was the only one I could trust and tell my secrete to. I still have him and this sound funny or maybe stupid but at times he still helps on really bad days or down days he is the first thing I think of. Thank God he can't talk or I would have to make him disappear. To be honest I do not know what I would have done without him I. In my room no one could touch me. It also was an escape from the problems that came from my family and school.


Exploration #18


Right now I am staring at my window. I have a beige colored curtain with a flower pattern. 2 years ago we had to fix something on the wall and took the curtains down. We washed them and when we went to put them on but could not find one of the shams. They are three and are mooned shaped so when put together in a row looked scalloped. I think we are playing hide and seek with it. When I need it and I have the time to put it on I can't seem to find it. Now the irony comes in because I will find when I least need it or do not have time to take them off and put it back on. I always that when I find it I will put it where I can easily find it but the funny thing is I don't remember where I put it.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Exploration #1

Where Your Sitting

1. I am surrounded by books

2. I have way to many movies

3. Baby dolls that remind of my childhood

4. I have a-lot of Disney items

5. I have 6 yellow water spots on the ceiling.

6. I love many different types of music.

7. Most of my books if not all are from my school classes.

8. I have a big collection of unicorn items.

9. I remember going to see snow white for my very 1 st time.

10. I like to read a-lot of sci-fi books, and watch horror movies.

1st Presentation

Project 3

Combination of Races

The combination of two races was to tie to races as one and have a back story. I chose two races that have something in common to be able to have an idea of a story, the first was the Egyptians, the second was the Chib Cha. This made the story make sense. The Egyptians were so advanced that they were able to conquer and overcome the Chib Cha tribe absorbing the culture. My audience was not the important issue the important thing to see the mixing of the cultures in the images and recognize the two races visually.I have always been intrigued by the Egyptians and their progress. The Chib Cha tribe is a link to my heritage. They are a Colombian indiginous tribe that disappeared along with all the cultural background.

1st Presentation

Project 2

Hey Misses

The Hey Misses was to work on satire. I was always picked on as a child in school for my weight, but I rather be as I am sometimes when I see the other side. In that project I satired eating disorder which have a greater impact on people than we think. I solved my issues by researching how many young people have died from it. I produced a vomit kit that girls or boys would carry with them like a emergency kit. It was to bring awareness to a grow culture problem. I named it Hey Misses because emisses means to vomit in the medical field so I did a play on words.I used a small lunch box created the packaging, and inside added wash cloths for wiping, laxatives, medicine to vomit, half a vanilla cracker, and a bottle water naming it Pure Life.The main objects were the vomit fingers that came 3 flavors and sizes. The images I used were models from the past where the waist were tiny and an toilet bowl. All this was in the kit, and the images in the packaging can give the viewer can get an idea of what it is. Another reason I did it was because I like the Carpenters and believe that Karen Carpenters death was a great loss in the music world and it could haven been avoided. I believe tanlet should not be measured be looks but what is inside the person.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

1st Presentation

Project 1

Shaila Durcal

We had to choose an unknown ban or singer. Choosing was easy she is new and has very special link to the Hispanic audience. Her mom was adored by many including myself and misses her very much. She died three years ago of lung cancer and daughter decided to take over the stage. The problem that needed to be solved was to show the public that she needs our support and encouragement and in a way my loyalty to her mother.. One of the projects I really enjoyed was the music branding. My research was very focused and familiar. Knowing her history helped figure out how best to show her off. The type of music she sings helped set the layout, and style. The images needed were ones that could give the viewer some idea of the type of music she brings to the table, and how her mother’s influence and training have been a very important part in starting her career. It is a hard but at the same time very rewarding. The emotional attachment was really helpful. It helped by filling a hole inside and also realize that she may at times sound, act, and specially look like her mom, but that she is her own person and we her mothers fans and now hers must see it that way. We must not compare or expect her to be her mom. We all must see her for who she and not for who we want her to be. She is a very special gift from Rocio a link to a very long and memorable past. Her mother may not be here but her music will always be in our hearts.