My Favorite Street

I picked my room not a street. This was my favorite place of all it wasn't a street it was a place. I could close the door and no one could tell me what to do. It was my escape from the really world. Here I could be myself without the fear of being made fun of or made a fool of. I felt safe here no one could hurt me. To me school was my hell where I had to go and hide from view or smile and not let them see how much it hurt inside. In my room there was a friend ready to listen and one that always gave me comfort. That was and is Freddy, my last childhood teddy bear. He would always be on my bed waiting for me. When I had really bad days the first thing I did was go strait to my room, close the door, go to my bed and hug him so tight and let it out sometimes until I fell asleep. This was the only place I could do this and he was the only one I could trust and tell my secrete to. I still have him and this sound funny or maybe stupid but at times he still helps on really bad days or down days he is the first thing I think of. Thank God he can't talk or I would have to make him disappear. To be honest I do not know what I would have done without him I. In my room no one could touch me. It also was an escape from the problems that came from my family and school.
1 comment:
Everyone has coping mechanisms to deal with unpleasant situations and feelings. Some use avoidance. Some engage in self-destructive behavior. I think that Freddy is similar to Guatemalan worry dolls. I have some on my desk. You tell a worry to each of the little dolls (they are miniscule) then place them beneath your pillow. While you sleep the dolls will take the worries away. Perhaps you can find a way to take a part of your room/Freddy with you in your mind to help you with daily issues.
As Michael Beirut would say, "What does this have to do with design?" I think we all need to feel some mental freedom to be able to design successfully.
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